
Saturday 18 June 2016

Perspective of a British National Living in the EU

I have family who live, work and go to school in the EU. I wrote to them and asked for their perspective on the EU debate. Specifically, how EU membership has helped them as a family; the impact of a potential Brexit, and what they make of this debate. I wanted to share the response as I think it's a very interesting and balanced perspective.


For us Brits, like back home, we have taken for granted many benefits of EU membership. You are reminded of its priveleges when for instance you have American friends here - they cannot work, there are no health benefits. A settled life here is very difficult for them unless they are retired. They can put their children into state schools though. The French don't make it easier for non french EU citizens of course so accessing these priveleges is difficult. I guess the French government and system cheats on us a bit. 

How much of this will change if UK exists is uncertain. They probably wouldn't bunge everyone out and some special agreements might well be formed - as they are for other non EU states within Europe eg the Swiss. Health care would probably be reciprocal. Our children could access free state education. Work might or might not be permitted - but they don't make it easy at the best of times so for many Brits this might not make a difference.

I think that the immigration argument is not as strong as people think and if we do come out my betting is that in say three years, immigration will be as high as ever; Non EU membership is not going to stop the Calais crisis for instance (immigrants there are in breach of EU rules anyway and a Brexit is going to make no difference to their determination to come to the UK). I cannot see UK throwing out EU immigrant workers either - are we going to throw out the 200,000 French in London? If not can we really chuck out the Poles? Most immigration is from non EU states and the UK is going to continue to permit that. Non EU status is not going to mean we don't have obligations under international law so asylum applications will remain as high as ever.

On the geo politicial front I think a strong united Europe is important both to protect the outer east fringes (formed USSR states) against Russian expansionism. and as a balwrak against US influences. I think that the US needs to have a credible power - pro west but not in their laps. A force for moderation. 

So I vote stay in.


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