
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Prime Minister Statement on EU Reform and the Referendum

What is the Government's plan if we vote Leave? What is this ‘Reformed Europe’ they promise if we vote Remain?

Irrespective of anyone's opinion, In or Out, this may be the most important speech you will see on the EU Referendum because it outlines what will happen after June 23rd.

In February of this year the UK Government negotiated in Brussels for reform on Britain’s status within the European Union. In this video from the 22nd February, the Prime Minster addressed the House of Commons on:
  • The Government’s plan if the UK votes to Leave, and
  • The new renegotiation with the EU, which will come into effect only if the UK votes to Remain.
He pledges to fully support the British public’s decision, regardless of the result, and says the Govm’t will begin to implement it immediately. If Britain exits, it will be "a final decision." There will not be a chance of a second renegotiation with Europe or a second referendum.

He also promises that he will not stand in the next General Election, saying that he has "no other agenda than what is best for our country" in recommending that Britain "remains in a reformed European Union."

For those who want to make an informed decision, this is among the most important 18 mins of your time you can spend.

(See below for summary)

David Cameron's EU Reform in Summary:

1. Out of Eurozone, Safeguard the Pound (£), No More Bailouts
2. Competitiveness in the Single Market, Growth for UK Economy
3. Migration: Reduce EU migration by Preventing the Abuse of Free Movement
4. Permanent Exclusion from a "European Superstate", More Powers to UK Parliament

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