
Monday 13 June 2016

An Open Letter to my Facebook Friends re: the EU Referendum

[ Image Source: ]
Dear British friends of Facebook,

Your political perspectives and contributions to the EU debate are decent enough when tempered with common sense and tact.

However, most of the articles floating around the internet trying to win you over for a ‘like’, a ‘share’ or a 're-post' are, frankly, nonsense and make this referendum seem less like a vote, and more like an IQ test.

Please stop reposting propaganda being promoted by tabloids.

Do not believe everything you read on the internet about this referendum.

DO turn up to vote on the 23rd of June.

DO make an intelligent, informed decision before you vote.

But know that regardless of the outcome, there are two very likely certainties:

(1) Martians from outer space will not be coming to steal our public services if we vote Remain. 
(2) World War III will not break out if we vote Leave.

 ...and if you do disagree with me on any of those last two points specifically, please just keep it to yourself.

I too will be sharing my own perspective on the debate based on my own findings. Civilised counter-debate is welcome, but leave the Daily Express jibber-jabber in your own feed please.

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