
Sunday 19 June 2016

Why I'm voting to Remain

Dear friends,

I have decided to vote to Remain on Thursday. Here's why.

I am not an economist. I am not a politician. I've tried my best to understand both sides of the argument in this debate, but ultimately, the reasons that affect my vote aren't political, they are personal.

Let me explain a little how the EU directly affects me and my family:
  • I have a very talented sister who (as well as English) is fluent in three other European languages and has lived, studied and worked in Europe. She would tell you that, though she doesn't make much money, she was able to pursue these passions thanks to her rights as an EU Citizen*: freedom of movement, right of residence, right to work, right of non-discrimination, diplomatic and consular protection, etc.
  • My dad is a scientist working in higher education. His department works within the EU to better understand our planet, the environment and climate change. That is how I know the scientific community in Europe depends on the EU because it is a vehicle for collaboration, partnership and funding. Oh, by the way, his job is paid for by the EU.
  • My mum is a linguist at the European headquarters of a large Industrial Equipment Manufacturer based in South Wales which exports mainly to EU countries. Her job is as a sales liaison with European clients. She and her colleagues rely on access to the EU's Single Market in order to maintain their competitive edge.
  • I have another sister who is due this year to marry an immigrant into this country. He is a good man who is currently making a positive contribution to our society. He is intelligent honourable, and a positive example to those around him. We need people like that.
In addition, I have family currently living, working and going to school in France. I wrote to my uncle asking for his perspective, you can read the reply hereHow a Brexit will affect them is uncertain right now, and I`m not going to pretend I know just to win a debate. However, there are a number factors which do affect me personally - and indeed all Britons - when it comes to travel, not just within Europe but also internationally. For example:
  • I keep in my wallet a European Health Insurance Card* in case of emergecy
  • When I travel in Europe, I do not need to apply for a visa
  • If travelling anywhere in the world and an emergency situation arises and I require consular assistance,* if I am unable to get to the British embassy there are 27 other embassies I can go to.
  • The reduced cost of airline flights and travel insurance between EU countries
  • UK mobile networks offer internet data roaming in Europe at no extra cost
  • All these, and more, are only due to Britain`s membership of the EU

If I'm going to be persuaded to give up all of these and also my rights as an EU Citizen mentioned earlier, there better be a good reason. So far, having followed Vote Leave on Twitter and Facebook for some weeks, I am yet to find a coherent plan for the Economy or Foreign Diplomacy from anyone in the Brexit Camp, just a vague notion of the Britain of yesterdayThat simply is not good enough for me. There have been many times in my life where I've been in a job I've hated, but it put bread on the table and allowed me to go on holiday once in a while, and I know from experience that you don't just quit without a plan for what's next.

Now, a word on some of these 'European immigrants' - or as I prefer to call them, my friendsMany of my friends, co-workers and fellow worshippers of God who live or have lived in Cardiff are Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Irish, German, Swiss, Czech, Swedish, Italian, French...  all from European free-movement states, and all of these people, as far as I have seen, have made a positive contribution to our society, and not the negative drain that some (brandishing proverbial pitchforks and flame-torches) would have us believe. I am not ashamed to say that it is my personal conviction that Cardiff is a better place to live because of them and I appose any notion that would make them feel that they are unwelcome in this country.

Finally, with respect to my own political views, I will simply say this: I do not know of a time in my lifetime when all the major political parties agreed on any single issue. As well as this Conservative Government - which was voted in by the British public - the Labour Party, the Lib Dems, the SNP, Greens, Plaid Cymru and others, all agree that to remain in the EU is within our country’s interestI cannot ignore that fact.

For this reason, I will be voting to Remain come Thursday, and I would recommend to you to do the same also.


* EU Citizenship, see

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